About the project

Elevate Co-lab project (elevatecolab.com), funded by the Dana Foundation (dana.org) and delivered by the Institute for Methods Innovation (methodsinnovation.org), invites you and yor organization to join a co-created, community-driven problem-solving process to understand and elevate neurodiverse contributions in the workplace.

Here’s how your organization can get involved:

  • Host a pilot program: Be a leader by hosting a pilot program at your location. We will offer you project management, implementation support, and ​evaluation to ensure the successful delivery of the pilot within your organization.
  • Invest financially: Support the project’s growth and sustainability through financial contributions. This help the project launch more pilot programs and spread the word about what is working.
  • Contribute expertise: Share your knowledge and skills by participating in the design and execution of the project’s ​events and pilot programs.
  • Donate time: Enable your employees to participate and grow.
  • Become a sponsor: Support parts of the project like workshops and events. This will enhance visibility and affirm your organization’s commitment to inclusivity.

If you are interested in any involvement in the project, proceed to the next page

Consent to participate in the project

This project aims to collaboratively identify and implement priorities for making workplaces more inclusive.

Please indicate whether you consent to participate in this survey and project:
In addition, please let us know if you opt-in to each kind of future contact:

Do you consent to the statements below regarding photography, video or audio recordings ("media") from participation in the project?

  • I will be unable to inspect or approve the finalized version of media.
  • All such media, and any reproduction thereof may be used in perpetuity.
  • Media may appear publicly as part of the [event] website and/or other research, educational and marketing activities.
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Primary contact details

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Do you currently have neurodiverse employees within your workforce?
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How would you like to participate in the Elevate Co-lab?
(Tick all that apply.)
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Please click Submit to send your responses.